Emevoli holds a message of love.
When you see the reflection of emevoli, it reads as iloveme.
I just want to spread love. I have worked hard to cultivate the love I have for my self. I started using emevoli as a mantra and in time I started to believe the message. It’s a shame that I had to work so hard at that but I know I am not alone. So many people are suffering and feeling shame that doesn’t even belong to them. Many of us are trying to heal from the wounds of our childhoods. We need to be reminded that it’s ok, and actually it is essential that we have love for ourselves.
I have lots of ways of reminding myself that I hold love for my self; in the ways that I practice self care, the boundaries I hold that keep me safe, the practices I have created to remind me to stop and cherish the moment, when the clock says 2:22 or 11:11 etc, I say a little mantra that ends with “I love me.” It may seem silly, but I have been doing these things for several years and I really do believe it has helped me to believe in and feel love for my self, it has also helped me be stronger and gain more confidence in myself. It has brought me here. I hope you find something you love. 💜
in the mirror